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April 20 /1-4 PM



Learn how to save a life 

Click here to register 



April 20,

2018 1-4 PM



Royal Jubilee Hospital

Begbie Hall

1952 Bay Street

Victoria, BC V8R 1J8


Join us for a free community Training Event to learn how to use an AED and deliver CPR. Know what to do so you can give your loved one, or a complete stranger the best chance of surviving a cardiac arrest. This hands only Community CPR and AED Training Event is offered by Vancouver Island Teachers of Advanced cardiac Life support (VITAL), in collaboration with VIHA and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada; supported by BCEHS. Join us for an afternoon so we can make our homes, schools and community safer. 

Learn how to save a life 

April 20th, 1-4 PM


Sudden cardiac arrest is a catastrophic event that occurs in over 40,000 Canadians a year; up to 700 of these are actually children or youth. Of the people who arrest in public places, less than 25% receive bystander CPR. Join us for an afternoon and learn how to perform this life saving skill. 

Community CPR Training Event

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